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Monday, February 21, 2011

My college Visit Feb 25th 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So on friday i have my college visit. My sister and my boyfriend and I are going. I honestly don't know what to expect. I know it's college what is there to expect. But, My life is finally on track and i know what I am doing with my life. Im actully nervous a little bit. But, at the same time I am extreamly excited. I am going to college for Criminal Justice to be a CSI. It could be dangerous to be that but thats what interests me. The main reason that i started wanting to do that is because my little cousin Beja got murdered when she was 3 years old by my cousins husbands side of the family. They were just supposed to babysit her while my cousin was at work or on vacation or something. But when Brandy was gone they made Beja eat her food off of the floor with the dogs, They sculded her with boiling hot water, and beat her to death oand i want to put people like that behind bars. Well.....There is more to the story but it's kind of graphic so I am not going to tell it. But, It;s things like that that atracted me to being a CSI. The sad thing is that Brandy's husband's side of the family murdered her because they didnt approve that Brandy was white and her hunsband was black so they had a Malono child.


  1. It is a sad story, but I'm glad that it has inspired you! I hope you have a great time on Friday at the TGIF!

    The term "mulatto" was used to describe people during slavery times and a lot of people are offended by it. If a child was born mixed it was usually because a white slave owner raped a black slave woman. Today most people use either "biracial" or "mixed" to describe someone who is half black and half white so that people don't associate the term with slavery and violence. It is still a word, but it's a word that upsets some people. You should decide whether you want to use it or not--it's kind of like that whole rebel flag's a reminder of slavery to a lot of black folks, but a sign of rebellion for white teenagers. You have to decide for yourself what it all means.

    I am still really enjoying your blog. Thanks for writing!

  2. Im glad that you enjoyed your college visit. We will miss having you here!
