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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hmmmmm............ Where to start.
Stress Sucks!
My sources of stress
1. My Son's father
2. School
3. My Son
4. My Son's Father Getting Arrested
5. Trying To Graduate
6. Getting Ready For College
7 . Trying To Get Scholarships, Grants And Loans For College

It seems like i am always stressed over something weather it be because of my son, His father or school or college. It also seems like there is no end to it. sometimes it seems like it keeps going and going and going. Being in college will be even worse. But, ill be the first one in my family to go through college. So that also adds pressure trying to be on the same level as my parents expectations of me. They expect great things from me. The expect me to be the good one Go through college and get the great job that Im going to college for. They expect me to be perfect. Everyone else that has tried to go to college hasn't got through a semester. So they expect great things from the youngest. They don't want me to end up like my son's father Stephen. Which is understandable. He's not what we call successful. He's 19. He works at the local meat locker. He hasn't graduated school yet and is behind 6 months in Child Support. It seems that the only way i can get away from all the pressure and stress is letting it all out on my blog. No one really knows why Im so tense, irritated, and snap so easily. Well. That's why. Im under a lot of pressure and stress. It kind of sucks sitting back and watching someone you once appon a time was in love with and cared about a lot throw his life away. But, it's not my problem anymore.  If he wants to throw his life away and always get arrested then let him. That's his own choice. I've tried time and time again to help him turn his life around and get on track but, what I say to him doesn't matter. If he listened to me he could be graduated and he could be in college. See. the life i chose was good for me. Im going to Kirkwood community college for 2 years and then go to Iowa University for criminal justice. im choosing to go to college and make something of myself. I am very happy with what Im deciding to do.



  1. seems like no matter what you do you will make the right choice no matter what an your son is adorable!!!

  2. I know how u feel I have alot of stress to.
